What Are GMO And Non GMO Grains

By Dorothy Sanders

For all organism in this world to survive, vegetable is necessary for even the smallest organism. In the thousands of years that passed, human beings need for food seems to grow then ever before. Compared to most animals that eat and hunt on instinct alone, man meets three meals a day depending on the feeling of hunger or desire of consuming as a whole.

Due to growing populations and less time to gather crops and hunt animals, people began to keep livestock such as pigs and cows and plant vegetables for food sources. With this, GMO and nonGMO grain Connecticut were created in contrast to each other. The different ways and beliefs of both have been prominent and has garnered much attention in recent years.

A genetically modified organism or a GMO for short, is an organism that went through the process of being genetic and biologically engineered. The sole purpose of this action is to obtain and pass on some things that have superior genes and pass those on. The process would make the chosen animals and plants have a higher chance of being superior to others.

With animals acting as the first case of modification, gene manipulation all began there. The process was domesticating the crops for consumption and livestock as well. After that, artificial selection is done in order to weed out the undesirable ones that are either too sick or too thin for right consumption in later days.

With breeding selectively, it became the predecessor of what is known now as genetically modifying food. The centuries had passed on by and these methods were what was commonly used among scientist and the common public alike. This all changed when DNA was discovered in the early days of 1990s. With this, the modern way of gene alteration was developed.

In 1983, the steps were laid out. By using a tobacco crop that was altered with antibiotic resistance, first ever genetically modified plant was produced. Micro enzymes that had been modified were the first application recorded in vegetable production and had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA in 1988.

During 1990, a recombinant chymosin was chosen and approved for use for several countries to use. With the use of enzyme that has complex rennet, cheese that was extracted from a cows stomach linings. Some scientist have bacteria modified in order to produce the chymosin. The chymosin will also clot the milk and results in cheese curbs be made.

A kind of tomato was approved in 1994. This tomato was called the Flavr Savr and it was the first known genetically modified vegetable product that was approved for release. The tomato was developed by Calgene and was engineered to have a longer life span and this was done by giving it a gene that would delay its ripening process.

China became the country to first ever commercialize a transgenic crop and release it. It has introduced in 1993 and that crop in question was tobacco infused with a virus resistant gene. The policy of FDA has helped in growth of food and its safety for people that consume as well.

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