Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Georgia: How To Take Care Of Kittens After Birth

By Kenneth Graham

Having a young kitten in a house is very exciting. However, caring for the kitten takes more than simply cleaning and feeding them. How you interact with your kitten during his or her young age determines how friendly he or she will be during adulthood. While bringing up your kitten, if all is well, their mommy will do most of the work. However, it is also possible to raise kitten on your own, mostly because the mommy is not there or because she does not like her child. Learning how to take care of your Ragdoll kittens for sale Georgia has today is very important.

One of the obvious things that will happen during adulthood is that the cat will give birth to her own young ones. You should therefore learn how you should take care of her to ensure that she is able to bring up the young one to adult hood. For instance, when you realize that she is about to give birth, set aside a safe and warm place where she can deliver from.

It is important to give the cat her space, particularly during the first two days after she gives birth. The first two days are crucial for the cat to bond with her young ones. You must therefore avoid any disturbance. In case she delivers under your bed, let her remain there. Moving the kitten could cause stress to the mother, and she may reject her kittens. You can however, move the young ones after four to five days after they have bonded with the mother.

Also, you need to ensure that the cat always have enough food and water to drink after birth. This is the only way you can help the mother have enough milk for her young ones. Do not place the food and water too far from the place of birth. This is because mothers are not able to leave their young ones to go and have a bite. She may starve rather than leave the young ones.

You should also ensure that the young ones are nursing. In case their mother is around, the young one should start nursing from her immediately after birth. Young cats will spend a lot of their time asleep. However, they should wake up after every two hours to nurse. In case the young ones are not feeding, you should supplement the mother milk with bottle feeding.

During this period, you re likely to be more concerned about the cleanliness of the area where the cat and the young ones are. However, you should not start moving the mother so as to clean the place. This is because the mother is also concerned about the cleanliness and she will clean the area herself.

You should also spay the mother after the young one is weaned. Removing the womb of the cat will ensure that the cat does not give birth to unwanted kitten few days after nursing. Spaying is highly advocated by the humane organizations and vets. Before spaying, keep your cat indoor to avoid getting pregnant again.

The mother and the young one will require deworming. This will help them grow healthy band strong without much health issues. Call your vet to advice you on the best way and method to deworm the young ones.

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