Hot Spots & How Electromagnetic Therapy For Dogs May Help

By Robin Setser

If you don't know what hot spots are, they are essentially irritated areas of the dog's skin caused by certain factors. Whether they're related to pest exposure, grooming issues, or what have you, it's important to know how hot spots can be healed. Fortunately, there are a few methods that can benefit your pet's wellbeing, PEMF treatment for dogs included. With the following information in mind, hot spot development will be a non-issue.

According to companies along the lines of Assisi Animal Health, skin irritation is what you should watch out for. After all, this is what causes hot spots in the first place, and there are many elements that cause this level of irritation as well. For example, if your dog has an allergic reaction to a certain food or plant, a hot spot or two may develop on their skin. The same can be said if they're bitten by a tick, which can cause its own series of problems. Regardless, knowing how to keep irritants away is vital.

Which dogs are most at risk of developing hot spots, you may wonder? More often than not, these are the longhaired breeds, as they have more fur and, therefore, seem to be at greater risk of suffering irritation. These breeds include, but aren't limited to, Bearded Collies and Bernese Mountain Dogs. Knowing what your breed is, as well as implementing the right style of grooming, will only reduce the risk of hotspots.

After you have seen a hot spot, don't fear. You will be able to bring your pet to the veterinarian to see what they recommend. As far as treatment methods are concerned, PEMF treatment for dogs is among the most unique. With its use of electromagnetic waves, your dog will feel relief in no time, not to mention experience quickened healing. For concerned pet owners, this is a topic worth bringing to your vet's attention.

This isn't the only treatment method available, as your veterinary specialist may provide other means of healing. Antibiotics are common since they work with the body in order to cleanse it. Depending on your pet's situation, you may have to change their diet so that additional nutrients are added. Furthermore, if it's a matter of grooming, more careful bathing may be required. These are just a few ways to not only treat hot spots but prevent future cases as well.

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