Putting Your Dog On A Diet for Weight Loss

    Most dogs become less active and self-exercise less as they age. Some breeds are naturally more likely to gain weight and be dog sofa rather than active animals, so it is important to help them to eat only the food they need, not what they want. Some dogs are naturally able to regulate their food, while other dogs simply eat until they can not hold another bite. Understanding how your dog eats and how much you eat can help you determine how to help better manage their weight or how to help you lose weight effectively.

   To get your dog started on a lifestyle change and diet that you need to help a dog already overweight begin to format the following questions:

· Cut out all snacks, sweets and foodstuffs other than the real dog food. This means that no carbohydrate or sweet treats, no extras fragmented table or even dog biscuits. These are of high quality may be reintroduced into the diet on a very limited amount, once the weight was lost.

· Unless why the dog must pass wet food for a premium dry food only high quality, but not necessarily a weight loss formula. Most dogs to lose weight even on regular kibble provided all other aspects of the plan are followed. Ask your vet for recommendations for foods that would benefit your particular dog. Turn on your food slowly and gradually to avoid digestive problems. Do not worry if the dog refuses to eat dry, especially if it is a bit difficult, you eat when you are hungry. If the dog does not eat for two days and you exercise the dog as indicated consult your veterinarian before proceeding with the selection of food.

· Increase the year - and that means you. Most dogs, especially those who are overweight, simply do not exercise. Put them in the yard for extra time does not count, because they will probably take a walk around the yard, find a comfortable place to stay and rest. You need to do to keep moving. Take them on a leash for a walk around the block, at least twice a day. Once you can do a block to increase to two and continue to increase the distance and pace of exercise. Start slowly and gradually to avoid stressing the dog and yourself!

· Times increase the game. Try to throw a ball or a stick for the dog, or play a game of tag or chase. Start slowly, just roll the ball to get the dog in question. A lot of praise and attention during the game will help you keep motivated and committed.

· Plan a  regular play date for your dog with another dog if he or she is an only dog ​​in the house. Run and play with another dog is great exercise and gives you the ability to monitor and to loosen.

· Reduce the dog food a quarter to start. If they normally feed 1 cup twice daily cup ¾ of food twice a day. Never cut a meal, simply reduce each meal. It is recommended to eat two small meals rather than with meals to keep your blood sugar regulated for the better dog.

· Check your garden and house for hidden food. Many dogs have learned to get into the trash, entering cabinets and loot boxes to treat or even get in candy dishes left on the table. Remove all sources of food for the dog can access.

   Keep on the floor for two weeks, decreasing each means a quarter and doubling a reasonable level of exercise. Note a slight weight loss in this period. You can weigh the dog using a standard bathroom scale or, for large breeds, just use a tape measure around the widest part of the body. If you followed the plan and reduce the food, increasing physical activity and cut all the lines and you do not even notice a slight decrease in weight after two weeks see your vet immediately to rule out any health problems.

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