5 Cat And Dog Allergy Facts That May Surprise You

Many people have allergies to pets and animals themselves may be allergic to a myriad of things. Understanding more about these allergies and their causes can help reduce allergic reactions in us and our pets.

A very important piece of information for pet owners to know is that, unlike men who generally just get red eyes, runny nose and sneezing attacks, cats and dogs with allergies and hay fever can also get unbearable itching.

Here are  five 5 facts allergy animals that may surprise you

1-Bathe your pet in cold water can help soothe itchy skin;
A cold water bath for five to ten minutes can help, but hot water should never be used as this can aggravate the condition. The bathroom also reduce pet dander (dry skin) fluids associated with many animals for human allergic reactions.

2-Think you are allergic to cat hair? rethink;
People who are allergic to cats are allergic to cat dander, are allergic to an allergen known as Fel D1. Fel D1 is in the saliva of cats and kittens, and is released on the fur and skin of the cat when the cat grooms. Fel D1 becomes an aerial threat that travels on dry skin, saliva and secretions falling through petting the cat, jumping and general unrest.

3-You are allergic to pets? Pets can be allergic to people;
human dander (dry skin) may contain allergens that promote allergic reactions in pets. This does not mean that you have to separate your pet as your veterinarian can give your pet oral drops or allergy shot, which contain small amounts of the allergen of the problem, which in turn can cause your body to ignore pet allergen.

4-Litter there is a difference;
litter brands contain different scents and dust and can promote allergic reactions in cats and dogs. Consider changing your bedding brand should promote a particular brand of a reaction in your pets.

5-Another reason for a good flea prevention routine;
When a cat or dog bite a chip some may develop a reaction to an item in flea saliva causing a condition known as flea allergy dermatitis. This condition often leads to hot spots, especially in dogs and accurate processing chips for routine that involves the cat or dog and its entire environment can go a long way in preventing this condition.

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