Dog Nutrition - The Vital Function of Water

The body of a dog consists of an average of 70 percent water. Your dog may survive even after losing all its fat and half of its reserves of protein. However, if only a tenth of the water is lost, fate is inevitable, which is something that no dog owner ever wants to happen.For the best chance of survival, a dog full adult development needs at least 2 ml per pound (30 ml water for 1 oz).2 ml is needed to cleanse the body of toxins through urine. Without this minimum requirement, it is less likely that any dog ​​will be able to survive.It is essential to provide the canine companions with more than enough drinking water. Regardless of the minimum requirement of 2 ml, your dog will survive, but how long is debatable. Of course, your dog will survive, but water shortages will soon follow. His bodily functions will certainly deteriorate and eventually stop working. If this continues, he or she will eventually become dehydrated, it will be susceptible to disease, and cease to exist.And essential to provide your dog, plus the minimum required amount of fresh drinking water. There are several reasons:

    1- Water is essential for the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients in the body. It allows the food consumed be broken, and allows the absorption easier cells.

    2- E 'used in the combustion of fuel for energy. Without it, the dogs will be able to convert food into energy needed in their daily activities.

    3- Water is essential to maintain normal body temperature and ideal. Without it, the body of a dog would certainly overheat.

    4- Drink the required amount of water replaces the fluids lost during normal fluid secretion. Secretions such as urine and the like.

   5- Water is essential in the essential chemical reactions in the fusion reactions or chemicals which are required in various bodily functions. The different organs in the body of a dog requires various chemical reactions to run. Water plays an essential role in this process.

    6- As humans, water is essential for the transport of toxic substances from the cells and removed the body. In the lack of water in the body, there will be no other way for this waste out of the body, resulting in a deterioration of the body.

    7- Finally, water is essential for regulating acidity levels in the blood of our dog. If the levels are too high acidity, body functions cease to function efficiently, which leads to deterioration of the body.Just as in humans, water is essential for the survival of a dog. Every bodily function can not operate efficiently without water. Water is essential to the management of waste, the temperature setting, acidity, detoxification, digestion, and many others. Water in all cases is the most essential nutrient, vital and important for the dog's body. Without this substance that gives life, there is absolutely no chance for any dog ​​breed or group to survive.

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