Some Information Before You Buy From Ragdoll Breeders TICA

By Richard Morgan

You may be thinking of getting a cat as a new companion or a replacement one. You have probably visited the ragdoll breeders TICA website to find a reputable breeder to service your needs. If you are in the market for a ragdoll then read on for some more information you need to know about this breed.

In sum the cat is able to become limp and boneless once it is picked up or handled by anyone. Thus the name ragdoll was given to it. It can come in various colors that are within the range of blue and red hues. The cat will always have blue eyes and no other color. When reaching maturity, males will weigh in at around twenty pounds while females will be at around fifteen pounds.

Anyone looking for a great and loving pet cannot go wrong with choosing the ragdoll as a pet. However, its very friendly and loving nature is also its bane, as this means anyone can also just come by, be friendly with it, and steal it away. Therefore to forego it from being catnapped, it should be kept indoors always. Keeping it indoors also keeps it safe from other animals, which can hurt it in a fight. It goes without saying this breed cannot fight even if its life depended on it.

This breed is also one of those breeds that love to be around or near water. This means it will not be fussy once it is tie for its regular wash or bath. You must give it regular fur brushings though as its fur will be prone to matting and tangles. During springtime do expect more fur to be shed as it gets rid of its winter coat.

Apart from providing increased bonding between cat and master, regular brushing of the fur brings about another important effect. It basically assists in distributing epidermal oils essential for coat maintenance, thus keeping the fur shinier and stronger as time goes by.

This feline is very much like a canine in some respects, especially the way that it follows its master around wherever he or she may go. Likewise it loves to paw things rather than clawing them thus making them safer to be around kids when compared to other cats. Due to this characteristic there is no need to declaw them.

Expect the lifespan of this cat breed to be around the average range of fifteen to twenty years. However, you can also extend this lifespan with some extra care and maintenance and of course carefully selected nutrition. Keeping it inside a majority of the time will assist it from getting sick from outside viruses and infections.

It takes a lot of commitment and responsibility in taking on any pet. Hopefully this article has given some insights into this breed as a possible candidate for being a companion or pet. Always look for information on any potential pet you may want so that you can have an informed choice. When doing research leave no stone unturned and try to look for as much information as you are able to.

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